Adam loves digging in the mulch, finding pine cones & flowers, manning the "ship" sandbox, running, the slide and chasing bubbles.
Ben loves running away from mommy, chasing bubbles and the sandbox. He also likes to wait by the fence for Daddy (I wish I had a pic of it...I'll try to get one for the next post).
Jacob loves eating mulch (YUM), crawling through the tunnels, the sandbox, eating sand (YUM YUM) and chasing bubbles.
Mommy and Daddy also went out two nights in a row. WOW! We just celebrated our 5Th Anniversary on May 1st. We had dinner at Cork & Cleaver, and it was delicious! We both had filets, beef wellington appetizers, cream of broccoli soup, and I had the cheesecake/mousse/chocolate cake thing. YUMMY! We were stuffed! I can't believe it's been 5 years already. I'm very lucky to have met my soul mate. Without getting too mushy, I just want to say I have a wonderful husband, who is also my best friend. He is an amazing father, and it's so endearing to hear the boys scream "Dada, Dada, Dada" when they see him. They absolutely adore him! He took wonderful care of me while I was pregnant with the boys. Making sure I got plenty of rest, going out for Tropicana apple juice (and only's hard to find), keeping the water cooler filled (I drank tons of water)...he kept me as comfortable as he could. And he's been amazing this pregnancy too. Making sure I take it easy, comforting me when we got the bad news and getting my Cookie Crisp or whatever else I'm craving. He works very hard to provide for our family, and I don't want that to go unnoticed. He rarely brings his work or stresses home. Our whole family is so proud of him, but most of all, I'm proud to be his wife. We love you, Chris! Okay, enough with the mushy stuff. Chris was excited to go to the Tincaps game the next day. I was a little skeptical, plus I'm not a big baseball fan, but it was a lot of fun. We can't wait to take the boys. Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa B. for watching our little boogers.
We also went to the zoo with Grandma P. Have I mentioned how awesome the boys are? They didn't make a peep the whole time. We just strolled along looking at the animals and people. They love the sea lions, jellyfish, ducks and the aquarium. They also pet a python! When they saw the ducks, Jacob said "quack, quack", and he doesn't know what mallard ducks look like. He's one smart cookie! I don't really have many pics from that day. I kept forgetting to get the camera out, and you know how it goes when you try to get a pic anyway.'s our zoo day.
They were well rested by the time we got to the zoo.
We also took the boys in for their 18 month checkup. Adam weighs 23 lbs., Jacob weighs 22-1/2 lbs., and Ben weighs 21 lbs. They're still measuring in about the 25 percentile, but overall they're doing well. Dr. Dillon said they're all up-to-date on their development (he seemed quite surprised too). Woohoo!!!! We're so proud of our little guys!
Updates on the boys:
Adam, my big booger, is becoming quite the chatterbox lately. He's up to at least 5 words now. He can say bubbles, doggie, truck, quack, ball and milk. He's getting pretty good at eating with a spoon and fork, drinking from a cup and sipping from a straw. He follows 2-step commands, likes to build things with his blocks, love to run, put shapes in the shape sorter and loves peek-a-boo. He stomps his feet and claps his hands when we sing the "if you're happy and you know it" song. He loves bubbles, trucks, Dora, any music he can spin around to, crawling under the table, cuddling and climbing. He also like pine cones. Not eating them, but walking around the house with them. Strange, yes, but I'm wondering if it's a comfort thing. He does the same thing with socks and blankets. He also loves his car...he'll sit in it for a very long time. He has the biggest, cheesiest grin. I love it!
Jacob, my pun'kin and cuddle bug, is up to about 10 words now. He says bubbles, doggie, quack, two, cars, Adam, MOM (very loudly), NOOOOOO and ball. He tries really hard to repeat words. He tries to eat from a fork and spoon, drink from a cup and can sip from a straw. He loves bubbles, the sandbox, Dora, the Beach Boys, mulch, his cars, baseball hats (especially Daddy's), bounce balls, giggling and cuddling. He stomps his feet when we sing the "if your happy and you know it" song, "rolls it" when we say pat-a-cake, follows 2-step commands, loves to build with his blocks, and sorts shapes in the shape sorter. He laughs at everything! He's our little giggle guts! He loves peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek. He also love back rubs.
Ben, my small fry, is up to at least 10 words now. He says Tasha, mommy, bubbles, three, ball, duck, quack, cars and doggie. He loves Dora, his car, bubbles, snuggling, dancing (he really gets his grove on), story time, digging mulch, pat-a-cake (he knows how to roll it and mark it with a B) and hanging with mama. I think he's becoming a mama's boy. He also stomps his feet and claps his hands when we sing the "if your happy and you know it" song. He loves to build and destroy his blocks. He's still my chatterbox, and he knows exactly what he's saying. He waives his arms around, points at things, and gets some real serious looks on his face. It's hilarious! He's also getting better at eating from a fork and spoon and drinking from a cup.
Surprise is up to 1lb. 7oz. as of 24 weeks. We are now in our 3rd trimester. Isn't that crazy? This time around, it's gone by a lot quicker. Surprise likes to kick, kick, kick. He also likes Cookie Crisp, Capt. Crunch PB Crunch, strawberries, anything with lemons, milk and pretty much everything that'll flare up my acid reflux. His kicking doesn't bother me much at all (it tickles at times). Actually, I love when he kicks and moves around. It's so amazing, and I feel so blessed to experience this. Chris and I were just talking about how we can't wait to meet him. But, we have 3 more months of growing little dude, and Daddy has expressed how much he doesn't want another NICU stay. Chris is pretty protective of the boys, and I think with them being preemies and in the NICU, it's made him even more cautious. He's still nervous about me taking up the mats in their playroom! I haven't prepared much for our little man, and I think we'll wait another month for that. I'm still a little nervous about this pregnancy. I waited until 24 weeks to prepare for the boys, and I was still really nervous about that. But, we have an excellent Dr., and we're going in every 2 weeks, so that makes me feel more confident that he's okay. Without further's our little man:

And more pics of the boys:
Happy Birthday, Grandma P.! Yeah, I don't know what to say about these pics, but the boys had fun. Thank goodness Grandma and Aunt Jen helped me bathe them since they had a bath that morning. They had fun getting messy, and this sounds crazy, but I can't wait for art time. Finger painting, markers, mudpies,'ll be so much fun. Chris thinks I'm nuts! Sorry, there were too many good pics to choose from.

ps...On another note, my family & I want to thank my MOPS group for their support and all the delicious meals. Your prayers, meals and support are greatly appreciated. I think the boys like your cooking better than mine! We can't wait to see you either at the last meeting or next season. Thank you all so much!
1 comment:
happy to hear Surprise is doing well and you too! The boys are just too cute! The messes are worth it-just watching them. Mark says Markers are the devil and he hates play-doh but hey, the kids love it.
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