Well, we went to Virginia with Grandma & Grandpa to visit Aunt Suzette, Uncle Brian and our cousins Anna, Ellie and Kate. On the way, we had lots of fun. Our favorite thing to do was watch "Moose A. Moose", and we did all sorts of new stuff in Virginia.
Adam got another tooth. He's up to three!!!!! What a big boy! Jacob sat up for the first time, and Ben didn't stick his fingers in his mouth as much, but he still made quite a mess when he ate. You'll get teeth someday, buddy.

The boys LOVED watching Anna and Ellie swim. You were awesome girls!!! Good luck at your next meet!!!!!
They played in the baby pool for the first time. Future swimmers, maybe? I bet Anna and Ellie can teach them some strokes.

Then we hung out at the marina. It was beautiful! Can't wait to go back.