We went on our annual trip to Hilton Head last week with Grandma & Grandpa B., Aunt Suzette, Uncle Brian, Anna, Ellie, Kate and Grandma P. We had a blast! The weather was bright and sunny most of the time. We only had one rainy, cold day. YEAH!
The boys were really good the trip down and back thanks to Dora and Grandma P. They amaze me...I can't believe how well the 14 hour car ride went. 14 hours! I could barely stand it, and the boys didn't make a peep the whole ride down. No fussing, no tears...nothing. It really helps to have someone in the back with them. We also had plenty of snacks and toys too. We only had 2 meltdowns on the way back, and we had sick kiddos. Adam, Ben & Jacob...Mommy is so proud of you! You boogers are awesome!
Adam had a couple of breakdowns on the way back, but my poor booger was suffering from a nasty cold and had 7 teeth coming in. He was quite the little trooper!
It looks like we drugged Ben with chocolate. He was helping Mommy and Surprise eat a bag of chocolate donuts. YUM!
Okay...be prepared for lots of pics! The boys had an awesome time on the beach. We literally put them down, and they ran IN the ocean. No fear!
Jacob got a little chilly. The ocean was pretty cold.
Our room was awesome. It was big enough to hold 3 pack-and-plays plus plenty of room for the boys to roam around. Did I mention we had our own bathroom too? And a huge walk-in closet...the boys loved it. Did I also mention that someone...my small fry...likes to unroll toilet paper? Oh...we're in trouble now. The boys also learned to climb up the stairs. They weren't so good about going down, but we'll work on that. They did a lot of climbing on the furniture too.
On the beach again...they loved it! Jacob loved splish splashing so much, I rarely got a pic of his face. He never looked up!
We also walked to Harbourtown a few times with Grandma B. & Grandma P. for lunch. It took forever to get our food, but the boys were so patient. Adam and Jacob giggled a lot while Ben told us a story. He's quite the storyteller.
We took a stroll around Sea Pines Center. It wore them out! They loved to stroll too. I'm so glad they like their strollers. We found clips to connect the umbrella strollers together, so it worked out pretty well. It wasn't took hard to maneuver around either.
Unfortunately, Jacob got a nasty cold on Thursday, so he stayed in and slept most of the day. Sorry you had to miss the beach, pun'kin.
Ben, Adam & I headed down to the beach to play. Ben ate a lot of sand, and Adam played with his trucks. Gotta love those trucks!
Our family photo. Jacob is such a ham. You'd never know he was sick. Adam was cranky; he wanted to go to the beach! It's not easy getting all 3 to cooperate. We also took a pic at the Salty Dog where the boys got new Salty Dog shirts. That's such a cute place. Lots of shops and good food.

Grandpa tried to get a picture with the boys, but they all ran in different directions.
Grandpa tried to get a picture with the boys, but they all ran in different directions.
Our last day at the beach...the boys had a blast!
Adam & his trucks...he LOVES his trucks.
Jacob loved to splish splash!
Our little guy had so much fun running around and splish splashing.
We also celebrated Easter with the family. The girls hid the eggs and baskets for the boys to find. They really liked the little Peeps. Happy Easter!

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa for the wonderful time in Hilton Head! We can't wait until next year! It was great to see our cousins Anna, Ellie & Kate...and Aunt Suzette & Uncle Brian.
ps...Thank you Grandma & Grandpa B. for inviting Grandma P. to go with us. We really needed an extra eye on the beach, especially when the boys all ran in different directions.
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