Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dada, You're the Bestest! from your 3 Monkeys + your Little Man

Dear Dada,
Thank you for making me laugh and teaching me my cool dance moves. Thank you for teaching me how to brush, brush, brush my teeth and for getting me two toothbrushes so my teeth will be extra clean! Thank you for reading my favorite books and playing trucks...VROOM, VROOM. Thank you for waking up at 3am, even on work nights, and comforting me when I don't feel well or when I have a bad dream. Thank you for making cheesy omelets...MMM, MMM! Thank you for building my awesome clubhouse (I love the tunnels). Thank you, Dada, for being the bestest daddy ever! I love you! Adam

Dear Dada,
Thank you for teaching me how to be "gentle" with the doggies. Thank you for teaching me how to brush, brush, brush my teeth. Thank you for protecting me from Mr. Potato Head! Thank you for reading my favorite stories and playing my favorite music (BA BA BA Barbara Ann). Thank you for comforting me when I'm upset and making me giggle. Thank you for my sandbox. I love it! Thank you for making cheesy omelets...YUM, MMM! Thank you for building blocks with me and for playing bounce ball. And most of all, thank you for being the bestest daddy! I love you! Jacob

Dear Dada,
Thank you for teaching me how to brush, brush, brush my teeth. Thank you for making me cheesy omelets...MMM, YUM! Thank you for all the tickles and for making me laugh. Thank you for teaching me some cool dance moves (Mr. Roboto, anyone). Thank you for building towers with my blocks then destroying them. Thank you for protecting me from my brothers and for reading me my favorite books. Thank you for building my clubhouse and especially for the mulch. Thank you for being the bestest daddy ever! I love you! Ben

Dear Dada,
Thank you for getting me Cookie Crisp, lemonade and anything else I'm craving. Thank you for making the house smell like lemons, because I love the smell of lemons. Thank you for sharing your popcorn with me and Mama (even though she doesn't like it much). Thank you for making my brothers breakfast on the weekends so Mama and I can get some sleep. Thank you for taking care of Mommy while I continue to grow. I love you and can't wait to meet you! Love, Your Little Man

ps...Chris, I hope you had an awesome Father's Day. You're a wonderful father and husband, and the boys and I love you so much. Sorry for the lack of photos. I need to be better about taking pics of us with the boys. We don't have many with us, but looking through pics of the boys (I can't believe they're almost 2) brought back so many wonderful memories. I love you very much! Tasha

1 comment:

Erin & The Boys said...

This is the sweetest post ever! Love it.