It's been an interesting past few weeks. Chris and the boys ALL had colds. They've never been sick at the same time. Grandma B. came over to help a few nights. Godbless her, she stayed up the whole night with them and didn't sleep a wink. Then she took care of them the next morning so I could rest. They were so congested, and they kept waking up all night because they couldn't breathe. I felt so helpless! I can't really give them anything, except the saline drops. That helps a bit, but at 1am, they certainly don't like it. Lots of screaming, squirming and crying. Chris wasn't much better. He didn't sleep much either, and he sounded awful. Luckily things are back to normal now. Grandma P. came by today to hang out. We took our new stroller for a spin. I'll post some pics of it next time. We purchased a quad stroller from Foundations. It's heavy...like 50+ pounds heavy. It took Grandma P. and I to push it up a hill on our walk. No more hills for me. I think we'll be sticking to even ground from now on. Atleast it's a good workout. It's about the only stroller that fits in our car, that was the main reason we chose it. I hope it fits through doors. Not much more has happened. I'm hoping to join a MOPS group, and we've been trying to get together with our new friends we met at the NICU reunion. They're triplet boys. They'll turn 2 in October, so that'll be good for the boys to have playmates around the same age. Here are some pics of the boys. Jacob, Ben and Adam. This is the first time I actually got them sitting next to eachother. They usually scatter when they see me with the camera.

Yummy oatmeal!

They're getting cuter everyday! Ben with his signature pose, silly Jacob and Adam racing through the tunnel.
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