The Bible boys were born on 10/7/07.
Adam Christopher was born @ 3:48pm weighing 4lbs. 4oz. He was followed by Jacob Lee @ 3:49pm weighing 3lbs. 12oz., and Benjamin Richard @ 3:49pm weighing 3lbs. 9oz. Everyone is doing well. The boys are in the NICU, and they're just amazing. They were off their oxygen the same night they were born. As of today they're off their IVs, they've upped their feedings everyday, and they're trying to bottle feed them twice a day. The Dr's said they can come home once they maintain their own body heat, continuously gain weight, and eat from a bottle. We're hoping to bring them home soon. Take care!
Congratulations Tasha and Chris! We are so excited for you! The boys are absolutely precious! We can't wait to see all of you! You had better catch up on your sleep now while they are in the hospital. Sounds like the boys are doing great and will be home before you know it. Take care and we miss you guys! Love Aunt Suzette and Uncle Brian, Anna, Ellie and Kate
Chris & Tasha,
Wow! They are awesome. I started to cry just looking at their pictures. You two are really blessed. Babies are truely a gift from God. We are so happy for you and can't wait to see you guys. Mostly can't wait to meet your little guys though. We wish you all the best and (plenty of sleep). You are all in our prayers.
Heather & Steve and the kids
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