I can say the boys have their own favorites, and so far, not many from my list of craved foods. They all seem to like the same foods too. With that said though, Ben is my least picky eater, followed by Jacob, but Adam is by far my pickiest eater. I think he gets his pickiness from mommy for sure. And right now, Ben is also our biggest eater. That little skinnie-minnie will out eat even Jacob. He must have a hollow leg! Are you curious what's on the boys list of favorites? Well, they LOVE bananas! They also like sweet potatoes, chicken, mac & cheese, PB&J sandwiches, cheese toasties, pancakes, milk, scrambled eggs and sometimes pasta with red sauce. Actually, they seem to like almost everything I couldn't stand to eat. Oh, and Ben is still our messiest eater. Notice he's missing his bib. He doesn't believe in bibs! This picture doesn't compare with how messy he got today...it was in his hair.
I know, I know, I've been a bad blogger, but a lot has happened since my last post. Thanksgiving weekend was fun. We actually only made it to 2 dinners, which was a bummer. On Thanksgiving day, we went to Grandma & Grandpa B's. Grandma made an awesome Thanksgiving dinner complete with yummy turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing and a whole lot more. We all pigged out! I'll have to get some pics from her. The boys were hilarious!!! Grandma got the boys bowls that suction to the table. Well, they have a rubber piece on top, and Ben figured out how to fling his food off of it. Of course, I was on the receiving end of the food, but it was funny. Then we went to Aunt Jen & Uncle Jeff's on Saturday. They had the best ham in the whole world, Honey Baked Ham, and Aunt Jen made some yummy taters, cornbread salad, pumpkin mousse and more. We stuffed ourselves yet again. What are we thankful for? We are so eternally thankful for our amazing little boys. They give us so much joy and happiness.
I'm stuffed!
Yummy pumpkin mousse!
We went to Charleston, W. Virginia last weekend to visit Aunt Suzette, Uncle Brian, Anna, Ellie and Kate. That was the half-way point for all of us. It's not a bad trip either. Just 6 hours, and the boys did great. We hung out at the pool, went to the mall and just hung around the hotel. It was nice to see all of them. The girls are getting so big. We hope to see them soon.
Well...Jacob started walking tonight. He's not quite there yet, but he's doing a lot better. He's really trying so hard; it's too cute. I finally got him on video too!!! He's walking about 10 steps at a time now, but he still gets so excited that he falls down. He's also trying to walk "fast" like his brothers. Adam is finally starting to waive bye-bye, and he's sometimes claps his hands. We've been trying to get him to do this, but he could care less. Chris is trying to teach Ben to say "Tasha", which I'm not too happy about. I can barely get him to say "mama". Today we also had a huge icestorm. ICK! We're hoping we can salvage some of our trees. Chris is pretty bummed about our birch tree. He thinks we'll have to cut it down. We have tons of limbs to clean up. It was pretty scary waking up to "CRASH, BOOM, CRASH". Luckily, we still have our electricity and nothing fell on the house. And the boys slept through all the noise. Again, they can sleep through just about anything!