Sunday, October 19, 2008

Big News AND 1st Birthday

Okay...the big news...are you ready...Adam took a few steps. He's not officially walking, but he's been walking a few feet at a time. This is a HUGE milestone in his development. Chris and I are so excited. And Adam is so cute about it; he's so proud of himself. My little baby is almost walking!!! Proud daddy thinks he'll be walking by next week.

Ben is standing up without holding on to anything. He's becoming quite a pro at this. And Jacob's doing a lot of dancing. His favorite song is "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys. Gotta love it!

And they're drinking out of regular sippy cups. Thanks Aunt Suzette for the Halloween sippys!

We can't forget about their birthday. Adam, Jacob and Ben had breakfast in bed (a Bible family tradition). Well, it wasn't a big breakfast. They just had their bottles. They weren't too happy that mommy and daddy woke them up (Chris wanted to see them before he left for work).

Then we went to lunch with Grandma B. at Bob Evans. Their FIRST lunch at a restaraunt (I usually feed them before we leave). They had mac & cheese, broccoli and ice cream. I must say they did quite well. Then we had birthday dinner at IHOP with mommy & daddy, Grandma P. and Grandma & Grandpa B. They had scrambled eggs, french toast and of cream. Love that IHOP!
Their birthday party was the following Saturday. In attendance were Great-Great Grandma E., Great-Grandma & Grandpa B., Great-Grandma & Grandpa J., Great-Grandma & Grandpa P., Grandma P., Grandma & Grandpa B., Great-Aunt Sharon & Uncle Bob, Great-Aunt Jeanie & Uncle Gene, Aunt Jen, Uncle Jeff, cousin Logan, Aunt Connie, cousin Kyliah and cousin Cassie. Whew, that's a lot of Greats! It's awesome that all the grandparents were able to come. It was nice to see everyone. Of course, it was a Moose A. Moose themed party. Unfortunately, you can't find Moose A. Moose anything, so I didn't have any Moose decorations. But, Grandma B. to the rescue! She made Moose cakes and Zee cupcakes. They were so adorable, and they tasted good too!

Next, it was time to open up presents. Logan helped the boys with their gifts. He was so excited. He picked out a book for the boys, and he couldn't wait to for them to see it. The boys also got some toys and clothes. Thank you to everyone for the gifts.

This guy looks like trouble!

Great-Great Grandma & Jacob

Too cute!

We also went to see Dr. Einhaus and the ladies. Next time, mommy needs to go when I'm more caffenated. I was a zombie that day! We also went to the zoo and had lunch at DQ ALL BY OURSELVES. Mommy was very proud of herself! The boys were so good. We are so lucky...they're such good boys. They just hung out in their stroller and ate their chicken and ice problems.
The boys also had their 1 year checkup. Adam weighs 19lbs. 15oz. and is 29" tall, Jacob weighs 19lbs. 10oz. and is 30" tall, and our small fry, Ben,weighs 17lbs. 6oz. and is 28 1/2" tall. They're all doing quite well, with the exception of their size. Dr. Dillon doesn't seem too concerned as long as they keep growing (especially in height). Right now, Ben is in the 3-5% for weight, and Adam and Jacob are in the 10-25% for weight. Keep growing boys!!!!
Well, I'm going to go shower. It's been a long day. By the way, this took me about a week to write. I'll try to update sooner, but I have a little fellow that just doesn't want to sleep. Take care everyone!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Okay, this is more of a mushy, sentimental post. No pics this time folks! I'll post some pics and a new video this weekend.

It's hard to imagine that this time last year, I was pregnant, in labor and in the hospital hoping to last one more week. Chris and I had this big discussion the other night. They're growing up so fast (okay, they're only 1 but they'll be 10 before we know it). It's been an amazing year, and we're just getting started on this thing called "parenthood". We have three little babies (excuse me...BIG BOYS...they prefer to be called BIG BOYS), and it's the coolest thing ever.

When we first began this journey, we definitely weren't expecting to have Baby A, Baby B and Baby C. First of all, we were surprised that I was even pregnant, but we weren't prepared for what we were going to find out at our first ultrasound appointment. I remember thinking, what does she (the ultrasound tech) mean by "there are 3". I was in complete shock. Chris recalled seeing her split the screen 1, 2, 4, then 8 times. He stopped looking after 8. And all the while we sat in silence until she uttered those words, "there are 3". We were ushered to the waiting room, staring at the 3 little blobs on the ultrasound photos. WOW! "How are we going to do this?" was the question we kept asking each other. Then we were called back to see Dr. Cooper. He proudly shook our hands. Mission accomplished. We wouldn't have these wonderful boys without him. Thank you Dr. Cooper!!!

Then it was off to Dr. Einhaus, who took EXCELLENT care of us. I miss going to her office. Everyone was so friendly and upbeat. They really kept me positive. We were there twice a month for a checkup and scans, and it was so neat to see the boys in action. I still remember those moments. It was amazing to see them grow week by week and to watch them move around and kick each other. I’m surprised they didn’t come out black-and-blue! At the delivery it was such a relief to hear them all crying. Before and after delivery, Dr. Einhaus came in everyday to check up on me (it really meant a lot to us). I tell ya, that woman’s “a million bucks”. Not only did she check up on me, but she looked in on the boys as well. There are not enough words to express the gratitude we have for her. Thank you so much Dr. Einhaus!!!

It was pretty scary to see our tiny babes in the NICU with IVs and tubes. The NICU nurses, Drs. and therapists really made us feel at ease. They were very supportive and had oodles of info for when we brought them home. The boys were so tiny and fragile, I was afraid to touch them. Chris was more hands on than I was at first. What a good daddy! He wasn't nervous about touching or holding them at all. It's so amazing that they were only in the NICU for 17 days, and they just needed to eat from a bottle, maintain their body temp and gain some weight (easier said than done, right). Thank you again to the Dupont NICU. You gals are awesome!

Even though we had them at 33 weeks, they're really doing well. They're not far behind on their development. They're small for their age, but we can't worry about that. I'll just keep sewing their pants in. Can't wait for adjustable waist pants! We are so proud of our boys. They have brought us so much joy, a little less sleep, a lot more giggles and lots of love. We wouldn’t trade it for the world.

ps…They'll still be my little babies.