Saturday, July 26, 2008

Garage Sale vs. Goodwill

This week has been sort of a blur. We've been prepping for our huge garage sale, and boy did we have tons of stuff, and we didn't even sell baby stuff. It all started out when Chris decided he wanted to have a garage sale. This shocked me right out of my pants. He never wants to get rid of anything, so I jumped at the chance to pitch some junk. Let's just say it's just too much work, and we practically gave stuff away, and wouldn't you know it, people still tried to bargain with us. EGADS!!! The Goodwill is 5 minutes away. What was I thinking! And if you notice, I didn't mention the boys much. Yeah, my poor neglected boys. I'll make it up to you guys! I did manage to get some pics though.

The boys still love their jumperoos and exersaucers. Thank goodness, those things kept them entertained this week.

Adam loves climbing in the exersaucer too. Who knew it could be so much fun!

He also likes climbing on Daddy too. And he's up to 4 teeth!

Jacob is really mastering sitting up and crawling. He gets around pretty good. We're so proud of you buddy.

And Ben still likes to fly. I tell ya, that guy never stops moving. He's our little squirmy worm!

And there's that darn moose again.

Okay...maybe now I should go to bed. Take care everyone! NO MORE GARAGE SALES!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Virginia, here we come!

Well, we went to Virginia with Grandma & Grandpa to visit Aunt Suzette, Uncle Brian and our cousins Anna, Ellie and Kate. On the way, we had lots of fun. Our favorite thing to do was watch "Moose A. Moose", and we did all sorts of new stuff in Virginia.

Adam got another tooth. He's up to three!!!!! What a big boy! Jacob sat up for the first time, and Ben didn't stick his fingers in his mouth as much, but he still made quite a mess when he ate. You'll get teeth someday, buddy.

The boys LOVED watching Anna and Ellie swim. You were awesome girls!!! Good luck at your next meet!!!!!

They played in the baby pool for the first time. Future swimmers, maybe? I bet Anna and Ellie can teach them some strokes.

Then we hung out at the marina. It was beautiful! Can't wait to go back.

Alas, our journey ended, but not without some peek-a-boo.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Okay, my brain isn't functioning properly. I tend to "forget" things (let's not get started on losing keys, my purse and anything else not attached to my body. That's a whole other blog). Well, there was a horrible storm a few weeks ago and a tree fell on our house. Actually, it was a branch, but it was massive. The crazy thing: the boys slept right through it. "How is that possible?" you ask. I don't know. I wish I slept like them (I would sleep right thru Chris' snoring). Anyway, we had some damage, no injuries, and we're getting a new roof out of it. point was really about how the boys sleep thru everything. The dogs barking, trees falling on our house, fireworks...which brings us to our lovely sleep montage (I really wanted to show you pics of them because they look so cute when they're sleeping). Bear with me, I'm new at this. The pics are in no particular order.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jacob in his jumperoo. He loves this thing! He loves it sooo much, he sleeps in it.

Ben loves his fingers. He put his fingers in his mouth when he's awake, when he sleeps, and when he eats. Needless to say, Daddy isn't too thrilled with this. Luckily, Daddy's got connections.

Adam & his tooth. Gotta love it!!!! We're so excited, well Daddy's even more excited. He's been looking forward to this BEFORE they were born. ps...I do try to keep them clean. They don't stay that way for long.

Well, after being couped up all winter, we're finally getting out. We've been going to the zoo about once a week. The boys love the aquarium. I tell ya, the zoo pass is the best deal in town. We've also been going to the parks and the mall (JP is a great place to walk around for an hour, if you don't get stopped about five hundred times to answer the obvious question: Are those triplets?). The boys are also crawling now...well, kind of crawling. They're so uncoordinated; it's pretty funny. Yesterday, I put Ben on the mat, left the room for 2 seconds, came back, and he was under his exersaucer. Jacob tends to fall asleep in his jumperoo, and he laughs at everything, like changing his diaper is funny to him. Oh, and I can't forget the biggest, most important news: Adam has his first tooth!!!! Daddy is so excited! Well, it's off to laundry land. Take care everyone! Have an awesome 4th of July!!!!!